

3952 Uppsatser om Public pension schemes - Sida 1 av 264

Contemporary Challenges of Public Pension Systems and Their Effects on Pension Reform Choices in European and Candidate countries

The process of European Integration and creation of the single market revealed many questions and boundaries on the development and improvement of the European Social Policy. Pension?s sustainability has become the priority issue especially during the EU enlargement processes. Different policy instruments and institutions available to governments of Member States in realization of social objectives resulted in a growing diversity of pension polices which produced different combinations of public and private provisions - ?private-public hybrids? , with the state exercising different degrees of influence in their development.

Den rättsliga grunden för allmän pension

Genom en traditionell juridisk metod avser den här uppsatsen att studera det svenska allmänna pensionssystemet över tid (igår, idag och imorgon) för att utreda den rättsliga grunden för allmän pension. Den allmänna pensionsrätten är en del av de tre pelare som idag utgör det svenska pensionssystemet. De andra pelarna utgörs av den privata pensionen och avtalspensionen. Allmän pension har sedan början av 1900-talet erbjudits den svenska befolkningen. De första lagarna om allmän pension kan inte jämföras med det allmänna pensionssystemet som idag finns.

Japan & Sverige: En komparation av pensionssystemen

The purpose of this essay was to compare the Swedish and the Japanese pension system and see if there were any big differences or similarities. I was looking for answers to such questions as if the systems were modelled with the problematic demographic situation in mind and also how these two countries had tried to manage the problems. Path dependency was also a central conception when I studied the reforms of the two pension systems. I mainly used literature and Internet sources in my study. There were many books on the Swedish pension system and the debates that had been going on since the 80's.

Vad predicerar äldre personers attityd till sin pension?

Trenden i samhället idag är att det tillbringas kortare tid i arbetslivet samtidigt som det finns ett hot om en framtida arbetskraftsbrist. Syftet med studien var att undersöka faktorer som är av betydelse för äldre medarbetares beslut om tidpunkt för pensionering. Variablerna krav, kontroll, stöd, ekonomisk situation, hälsa och attityd till pension undersöktes genom ett frågeformulär. 117 assistenter i Örebro kommun deltog i undersökningen. Resultatet visade att attityd till pension hade ett negativt samband med hälsa, civilstånd samt ålder.

Tillbaka till arbetsmarknaden? : Fem individer med sjukersättning resonerar kring att återgå i arbete.

The aim of this study was to examine how individuals with disability pension reason about a return to work. Action theory, as presented by Berglind, was used as theoretical approach. Qualitative interviews were conducted with five individuals who have disability pension due to mental illness. The respondents describe how they weigh benefits and disadvantages against each other. The main reason for a return to work is economical.

Sakprosans genrer: en analys av fyra universella klassifikationssystem

The aim of this paper is to investigate the implementation of genres, pertaining to non-fiction, in four different universal classification schemes BC2, UDC, DDC, SAB. It is not the aim of this paper to answer the question why certain genres are more implemented than others, or vice versa. Instead it is intended to be an investigation into the concept of non-fiction genres with the aim of attracting attention to the many interesting aspects of this concept for library- and information science research. An analysis of the schemes general auxiliary tables is performed by comparison with a specific genre-system devised by Ottar Grepstad. This genre-system is organised by dividing different genres into groups according to linguistic criteria.

Klassifikation av litteratur om film och TV ? En komparativ studie av Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek (SAB) och FIAF Classification scheme for literature on film and television

The aim of this thesis is to compare two different classification schemes with each other and see what the differences and similarities are when classifying literature concerning film and television. One of the schemes is of general kind, Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek (SAB) and the other is a special system, FIAF Classification scheme for literature on film and television. The focus of the examination is on comparing the structure, contents and division of firstly the main classes and secondly on comparing the notation and the auxiliary tables in the schemes. The theoretical framework of the comparison is based upon theory of classification but the conclusions drawn are though mostly of a more subjective character. In addition to the comparison itself interviews have been made with four libraries, two with experiences of SAB and two with experiences of FIAF.

Pensionssparande : Vilka faktorer påverkar sparandet?

Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att undersöka vilka variabler som påverkar olika frågor gällande pension. De frågorna angående pensionen som undersöks är:Vilka människor?? har tänk på sin pension?? har ett privat pensionssparande?? tänker jobba och ta ut pension samtidigt?? planerar att gå i pension tidigt respektive sent?Metod: Undersökningen utförs med en kvantitativ metod. Enkätundersökningen som analyseras kommer från en tidigare undersökning gjord av Finseraas och Jakobsson (2013). Uppsatsen följer en induktiv metod.Slutsats: Studien visar att variablerna som ingick i grundmodellen, vilka är kön, ålder, utbildningsnivå, civilstånd och inkomst, alla var signifikanta i en eller fler av frågorna som undersöks.

Klassifikationssystem i mångkulturella samhällen

This master thesis deals with classifications schemes in multicultural societies. The aim is to investigate how well the Swedish classification scheme SAB has been adapted to the multicultural society of today. I have done a comparative analysis between the SAB and the UDC to see if an international classification scheme would have better possibilities to represent a multicultural society. I have asked some institutions that have a large collection of documents dealing with minority cultures how they experienced the SAB. I have also read literature about classification theories and compared universal enumerative, facetted and special classification schemes to see if the possibilities to classify documents on, or related to minorities differed from each other.

Attityder till certifieringssystemen FSC och PEFC i skogsbranschen

Different groups in the forestry sector were likely to have different views regarding the responsibility for an environmentally sustainable forestry and the benefits of certification and this study aimed to examine the attitudes that existed in the forestry sector to the certification schemes FSC and PEFC. In the study a survey and a questionnaire were sent out to different groups. The investigation was made with respect to three groups: forest owners, forest contractors and employees working with the certification schemes on a daily basis at the forest company Södra. The groups agreed that the owner of the forest had the main responsibility for an environmentally sustainable forestry. The study revealed that all three groups highly valued the environmental aspect of certification.

A comparison of two certification schemes for dairy cow welfare in relation to resource-based, management-based and animal-based measures

Traditionally risk-based measures have been used to assess animal welfare in legislation and certification schemes. With increased knowledge and research, debate today tends to focus on and advocate the use of animal-based measures. However this is not a panacea for welfare and the most sound conclusion should be that assessment of animal welfare needs both. The aim of this thesis is to identify the points that need to be taken into consideration to find the optimal balance in the use of input and outcome measures according to the aim of the assessment and how these should be applied when designing a certification scheme? To answer this, a comparison of the use of resource-based, management-based and animal-based measures in two certification schemes for dairy cow welfare, Freedom Food (UK) and Svenskt Sigill (SWE), was made.

Norge - finansieringen av den åldrande befolkningen

As most developed countries Norway has an ageing population meaning that the number of pensioners is predicted to grow rapidly over the coming years. As a consequence the Norwegian pension system will not be able to provide for these future pensioners. Meanwhile, a rising number of early retirees and disability pension claimants is diminishing the real retirement age. Also the individual pension amount is growing while the pension system itself reaches maturity. In short, major reforms are needed in the Norwegian pension system.

En jämförelsestudie av AP-fonderna och bankernas Sverigefonder 2003-2010

Background: In 1999 the Swedish pension system was reformed with an aim to create a stable and high return on pension assets. First, Second, Third and Fourth general pension funds, hereby referred to as AP1-AP4, had an important part in the reform. AP1-AP4, also called the buffer funds, was assigned to secure long-term, big parts of the pension capital. The funds objective is by law, to manage the fund's assets in a manner that provides maximum benefit for the state pension. The funds will also invest pension assets with an overall low level of risk while achieving a sustainable high return.Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the First-Fourth AP-Funds is meeting its objectives regarding risk and return according to Swedish law.

Den andres bröd : Levnadsrisk utifrån Lee-Cartermodellen

Under det gångna århundradet ökade den förväntade livslängden avsevärt såväl i Sverige som i övriga världen. 1900-talets förbättrade livslängd drevs inledningsvis av en minskad barnadödlighet medan de senare årtiondena kännetecknades av minskad dödlighet i höga åldrar.En åldrande befolkning innebär ökade krav på sjukvård, äldreomsorg och inte minst pensionssystem. Pålitliga prognoser för vår framtida livslängd behövs för att beräkna de resurser som nämnda verksamheter kommer att ta i anspråk och utgör förutsättningen för en rättvis prissättning av försäkringsprodukter med levnadsrisk.Lee-Carter-modellen är en av vår tids tongivande modeller för mortalitetsprognostisering. Modellen används här för att göra livslängdsprognoser utifrån svenska mortalitetsdata; prognoserna jämförs sedan med observerade utfall.Mot bakgrund av resultatet diskuteras levnadsrisk med fokus på pensioner.Inte oväntat presterar prognoserna ingen felfri bild av verkligheten och prognosfelet varierar i storlek mellan skattningarna; att använda dem som underlag för pensionsberäkningar hade i förlängningen varit ohållbart. Exemplet illustrerar på samma gång vår osäkerhet inför framtidens livslängdsutveckling och svårigheten i att prognostisera den..

Nya vägar i en föränderlig tid En fallstudie av ett folkbiblioteks bemötande av idén om utkontraktering av urvals- och inköpsfunktionen

Abstract: In this Master's thesis our aim is to study the situation and process regarding the decision to use outsourcing of the media acquisition function in a Swedish public library. By using New institutional theory, focusing on ways of organising and values in the organisation we are able to analyse this phenomenon. Skot-Hansens theory about three different culture political argumentation schemes, humanistic, sociological and instrumental (or market oriented), gives us the opportunity to place statements and facts into a functional theoretical context. The market oriented scheme is further clarified with the concept of New Public Management. The role of values in the institution, regarding aims and goals is stressed.

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